
The Hike Around Prague Spring – Summer 2018


FREE with Discovery Pass!

Includes the guiding, planning and organization


Make new friends, hike and discover the green side of Prague!


The Hike around Prague is a 93 km long, circular walking route around Prague which covers some of the city’s finest scenery. Divided into 10 easy-to-walk sections, it connects parks, natural reserves and historical landmarks outside of the city center.


Starting on May 13, every Sunday at 10:00 am, join a group of friendly, international people and walk one section of the Hike. Where one part of the Hike ends, another starts and after 10 weeks we will arrive back to the starting point. Everyone who completed the whole loop around Prague will be awarded a memorial certificate!


Learn more about the individual hikes in the event description

About the Hike in 2 minutes



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[hike_menu] [hike_menu_item link=”#hike1″]HIKE 1[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike2″]HIKE 2[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike3″]HIKE 3[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike4″]HIKE 4[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike5″]HIKE 5[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike6″]HIKE 6[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike7″]HIKE 7[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike8″]HIKE 8[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike9″]HIKE 9[/hike_menu_item][hike_menu_item link=”#hike10″]HIKE 10[/hike_menu_item] [hike_menu_item link=”#Acknowledgement”]ACKNOWLEDGEMENT[/hike_menu_item] [/hike_menu]



May 13 2018

Hike 1

 Divoka Sarka

Two Valleys


The first part of the Hike covers two lovely natural reserves as well as the pleasant residential neighbourhood of Nebusice in the north-west of Prague. You will see the oldest and most popular natural reserve within the Prague’s city limits – Divoka Sarka and less known, yet very pleasant, Valley of the Nebusice creek.

The walk is 7,4 km long and ends by the restaurant „Jeneralka“. The restaurant offers a great selection of the classic Czech food at very reasonable prices and it’s only one stop by bus away from metro A Borislavka.

Take good shoes as the walk includes steep and uneven paths!



  • The walk through the gorge of Sarecky potok (Sarka Creek)
  • Great view from Nebusicka vyhlidka
  • Nebusice and the valley of the Nebusice Creek
  • (Optional) after-the-hike lunch with your fellow hikers at Restaurace Jeneralka


DIFFICULTY: Easy to Moderate (includes steep ascents and uneven terrrain)


MEETING POINT: In front of the McDonald’s restaurant on Evropska street. It is located about 100 metres from the trams’ 20 and 26 terminus “Divoka Sarka” and right by the airport bus 119 stop of the same name.

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May 20 2018

Hike 2 

from Jeneralka to the Zoo

The Baba Colony and Giraffes


The 8.2 km long second part of the Hike will take you from Jeneralka in Prague 6 to the Prague Zoo in Prague 7.

Take good shoes as the walk includes steep and uneven paths.



  • The Baba Colony – a unique collection of villas built in functionalism style
  • Beautiful view of Prague from the Baba rock
  • Crossing the Vltava by a ferry
  • (Optional) after-the-hike lunch with your fellow hikers in Art&Food ZOOna


Bonus: You can add a visit to the Zoo after the hike.



DIFFICULTY: Easy to Moderate (includes a steep ascent and descent and uneven terrain)


MEETING POINT: In front of the metro A Bořislavka, exit “bus Nebusice, Horomerice”. Click here for the photo.

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May 27 2018

Hike 3

from the Zoo to Strizkov

Northern Woods


The third part of the Hike leads from the Zoo to the metro C  station “Střížkov”. During this hike you’ll visit some of the prettiest natural reserves of the Capital, as well as visit a unique cemetery – the only cemetery in the world built in the Cubism style!



  • Lovely gardens of the Troja Palace
  • Beautiful views  from Velka Skala and the Dablice Astronomical Observatory
  • The only (!) cubist cemetery in the world
  • Střízkov Metro C – the most extravagant of Prague’s metro stations


DIFFICULTY: Easy to Moderate (includes a steep ascent and uneven terrain)

MEETING POINT: Bus 112 stop “Zoologicka zahrada”. Near the entrance to the Prague Zoo in Troja. Click here for the photo.

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June 3 2018

Hike 4

 from Strizkov to Hloubetin

The East End of Prague – Part 1



The fourth hike covers the northeastern part of Prague and neighborhoods of Strizkov, Prosek, Vysocany and Hloubetin.



Following the Prague 9 Educational Trail, we will go downhill to Vysocany.  It used to be a very industrial part of Prague. Factories have been replaced by residential housing and now it is a pleasant part of the city with good facilities and transport links.

The last few kilometers of the walk, between metro B stations Vysocanska and Hloubetin, will take us along Rokytka, a small tributary of the Vltava.  It is so green and peaceful here. We might see coypus  (nutrias) which dig their burrows in the banks of Rokytka.



The last highlight of the walk will be the neo-gothic Hloubetin Chateau, serving as a private hospital. Interestingly, it was here in 2005, where the first baby-box in the Czech Republic was installed.

As usual, after the hike we’ll go for an optional lunch together.



• Střízkov Metro C – the most extravagant of Prague’s metro stations

• Unusual view of Prague from the north-east. Here we can track our progress – the first third of the Hike is behind us!

• Prosecke skaly Natural Reserve

• Lovely green walk along the Rokytka creek.

• “English” style Hloubetin Chateau


DIFFICULTY: Easy to Moderate (flat or downhill, but with 10 km one of the longest sections!)


MEETING POINT: Outside of  metro C “Strizkov”, take the exit “Vysocany – Skalka – Opatov”

Click here for the photo.

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June 10 2018

Hike 5 

 from Hloubetin to Strasnice

The East End of Prague – Part 2



• Pleasant walk along the meandering river Rokytka in the Natural Park Smetanka

• Malesice woods

• Malesice Park with cool water installations


DIFFICULTY: Easy (8,5 km, mostly flat)

MEETING POINT: Outside of the metro B station Hloubetin by the sculpture. Take the exit “tram Lehovec – Palmovka…”

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Date to be announced

Hike 6

 from Strasnice to Roztyly

Trails and rails



  • The “Triangle” Lake and Marsh – a surprising piece of wild nature in between three train lines just 20 minutes on foot from the Skalka metro station.
  • Village conservation area “Old Hostivar” with some interesting examples of folk architecture.
  • Lovely green walk along the Meanders of Botic in Hostivar-Zabehlice Natural Park.
  • Sporilov – one of the oldest “garden towns” in Prague


DIFFICULTY: Easy (but includes unpaved and potentially muddy paths!)


MEETING POINT: At tram 5,7 and 13 stop “Zborov – Strasnicke divadlo”.

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Date to be announced

Hike 7

 from Roztyly to SAPA

Into the Woods



• Pleasant walk in the second largest forest in Prague – Kunraticky Wood

• Lovely park of the Kunratice Castle

• Lunch in one of the many restaurants in the SAPA Vietnamese Market Place AKA Little Hanoi. Supposedly one can get here the best Vietnamese food in the whole of Czechia!

• Opportunity for ingredients shopping for (not only) Asian cooking


DIFFICULTY: This is an EASY 9 km long walk, suitable for people who are new to hiking and want to built-up their stamina. We should make it in 2,5 hours with ease. Nevertheless, take good walking shoes, as there are places where the trail is rather rugged.


MEETING POINT: Outside of the metro C station Roztyly

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Date to be announced

Hike 8

 from SAPA to Hodkovičky

The Deep South of Prague


This part is the most “hike-like” section of the whole loop. Hilly and leafy, with ponds and reservoirs along the way. Take good shoes and be prepared for mud!



• Natural Reserve Modranska rokle

• Natural reserve Kamyk

• Beautiful villas in Zatisi in Hodkovicky


DIFFICULTY: Easy to Medium (10 km, up and down). Mainly unpaved paths. More hike than walk!


MEETING POINT: Kacerov metro C station. From here we will take a bus to “Sidliste Pisnice” where the hike starts.

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Date to be announced

Hike 9

 from Hodkovičky to Nové Butovice

Over the Barrandov Hills



• Crossing Vltava via so called “the Bridge of Intelligentsia

• Once on the other side of the river, we’ll start climbing up to forested slopes called “Chuchelsky haj (Grove)” and stop at the small “Forest zoo“.

• Natural Reserve Prokopske Valley -This deep and narrow valley is one of the prettiest green areas of Prague.


DIFFICULTY: This is an EASY 9 km long walk, suitable for people who are new to hiking and want to built-up their stamina. We should make it in 2,5 hours with ease. Nevertheless, take good walking shoes, as there are places where the trail is rather rugged.


MEETING POINT: At “Černý kůň” tram stop (trams number 3 an 17) in Prague 4 – Branik. It is a request stop (you need to indicate to the tram driver, you want to get off.)

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Date to be announced

Hike 10

 from Nové Butovice to Divoká Šárka


The closing part of the Hike.



• Vidoule – one of the last undeveloped table mountains in Prague and one the highest point in the city = view!

• Lovely Park Cibulka and the oldest viewing tower in Prague

• Skalka Natural Reserve (and another interesting viewing point)

• Renaissance Letohradek Hvezda (Summer Palace) situated in Obora Hvezda, former game preserve and now large park in Prague 6.


DIFFICULTY: Easy to Moderate (includes a steep ascent and uneven terrain)


MEETING POINT: Outside of metro B Nove Butovice, exit Bus – Repy – Jinonice…

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We’d like to give credit to these two excellent websites:

We used them for planning all parts of the Hike.


We would also like to thank to all local municipal authorities for marking educational trails and fitting them with informational panels. We’ve learnt so much about Prague from them!


Last, but not least, we would like to thank to Klub Českých turistů for marking and maintaining the hiking trails in Prague and the Czech Republic as a whole.


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